The Fit Life – Barbara is Fit Over 40

“You have one body. Care for it and feed it well, it’s the only place you have to live.” I truly believe the fountain of youth is found in the gym, in the classroom (yoga, spin, boxing…. whatever!), in the pool…….. and a nice glass of red wine doesn’t hurt.” Meet Barb!

I’m Barbara Joan Warwick

barb10599248_10204157238028409_7532160826461057141_n“I’m about to turn 48, married and my two kids are in college, age 20 and 21. I am the Chief Compliance Officer for an elder healthcare agency. My career in illness and death has influenced my outlook: I’m really grateful to live every single day of this life.”

A Fit Life

“I work out at the gym 5 days a week doing interval weight training with relatively heavy weight and run. On the weekends I’ll pop into a yoga class, ride my bike, run with my dogs, hike or paddle board; it just depends where I am and what’s around.

I love to cook and I love to eat! And most importantly for me is that fitness has become a family thing. My husband and kids also work out.”

 I Have No Choice

“I got serious about fitness at 40 because I had to…..

It was Mothers Day and I was feeling dizzy, sweating profusely and hearing a ring in my ears. I was diagnosed with hypertension. My blood pressure read 240/130 and that put me in the stroke zone. My cholesterol was nearing 500, and my LDL was 180. A whole series of tests came back negative and doctors concluded that my medical condition was genetic.

I couldn’t believe it! I was kind of angry at the situation, to put it nicely. At the time I was 40 years old and maintained a healthy body-weight. I was fairly active (coached girls soccer for 8 years), never smoked, and followed a decent diet.  The cardiologist put me on a gigantic list of meds.”

I Knew I Could Do Better

11903290_10205980460047820_1690861364_n“I overhauled my habits. I started running everyday and lifting weights with a trainer a few times a week. I cut out most red meats and fat. (I’m not a sweets eater so I didn’t have to overcome that) My body started to change and the muscle tone was pretty noticeable.

Surprisingly, I lost about 20 lbs over a year and my size shrank: I was a solid size 10 then, and now I’m a 6-8 depending. More than that though, I was determined to get off all the meds. I signed up for every 5k or obstacle run I could find, you know, to always have a goal to reach. That commitment kept me honest, no skipping the gym. It also made a HUGE difference in my level of stress.”

A Fit Future

“Fast forward to now and I take only a single small dose of blood pressure medication, a small dose of cholesterol medication and an aspirin a day. My resting heart rate lies around 70. My BP is 120/75, and my total cholesterol is down to 180 and the LDL is 60!

I truly believe my commitment has battled my genetics and I’m winning! I tore my left meniscus early last year. I kept working out, kept walking with a brace and postponed surgery until this spring.

barb10896909_10204352551151115_4168079449351867643_nThe recovery was surprisingly not too bad. I can’t run uphill, nor do I try walking lunges but for the most part I can do what I want. It’s taking time and does still hurt. The repair, which is common, has a 50/50 chance of improvement. It has improved, despite some pain, but the clicking and popping has stopped. It’s been five months and I am really back to normal.”

“I’d like women Over 40 to know: A fit lifestyle isn’t about vanity.  We’ve likely had a couple of kids and earned a few wrinkles and dimples. It’s about QUALITY. It’s about DOING! Exercise is not a punishment. It’s a privilege and it’s an investment in yourself mentally, physically and spiritually.”

Thank-you for sharing your story Barb!

Get Fit Over 40

karenuntitled-74HEADERI’ve been fortunate to meet and become friends with many woman over the years at Get Fit Over 40. I’ve come to realize that pictures tell nothing of the challenges and triumphs they each face in becoming and maintaining a Fit Lifestyle Over 40. These woman inspire me to stay in the game of social media as they share their wisdom, inspiration and motivation. Real Woman who are Fit Over 40: I invite you to share your story too! Message me here or on the Facebook page Get Fit Over 40. When we lift one another we are all lifted! Thank you for being part of the GFO40 family. xo ~karen

Even Wonder Woman Sleeps In

The Wake Up Call



Hey Karen?!

A voice called out in the early morning quiet. A dream? No, more of a nightmare (well not that bad but it did freak me out).

I slept in. Aghhhh, damn!

My fitness studio is located directly below my living area and the morning girls had arrived at 5:30 am as usual, calling out for me. For the first time in my professional life, I slept through it! I slept in.

I share this because I think that we all tend to ignore the signs of overwork and stress until that time something completely unexpected occurs. Headaches? Illness? General fatigue? Distracted concentration? Moodiness?

I never sleep in so that was my “wake up call.”

7tumblr_mtbdzsYwfj1rjpm4uo1_1280What’s Your Sign?

Signs of stress, overwork and/or overtraining are sneaky. You don’t realize what’s happening until it’s too late.

It’s tricky trying to sort out our own body signals, and because we’re not “whiners” we simply keep charging onward!

In this past month:

I’ve enrolled in an intense online business school. I work on lessons 24/7 (whenever I can) because I love to.

When my clientele doubled I was ecstatic. I love what I do!

When the car broke down, no problem! I can handle that!

My toothache needs a Root Canal. OK!  Make the appointment and I’ll get my checkbook!

I can handle it! Time to hit the gym! Right?

Whoa! Hold up Super Hero, take one deep breath.


imageThe point is we are not Wonder Woman. I know, that’s shocking! We can, however, and do, survive. What I realize today is this; we are capable, we are strong, we are mighty, but we are not indestructible.

No one is immune to “doing too much.” Watch for signs of the Wonder Woman Syndrome and slow down, prioritize, engage in life and enjoy the ride.

Have you received a big old sign from the universe lately, suggesting that you should slow down? Tell me about it!